!----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! RAMSEY.TAB ! ! Nov 97 (PJW) ! ! ! ! TABLO input file for a simple Ramsey model of growth. ! ! This version is in levels form and has updating. ! ! Reads base data in from a file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! equation (default=levels); variable (default=levels); formula (default=initial); coefficient (default=parameter); !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Establish sets for describing periods ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! set (intertemporal) alltime size 81 ( p[0]-p[80] ); set (intertemporal) fwdtime size 80 ( p[0]-p[79] ); set (intertemporal) endtime size 1 ( p[80] ); subset fwdtime is subset of alltime ; subset endtime is subset of alltime ; !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! variable (all,t,alltime) q(t) # quantity of output #; variable (all,t,alltime) k(t) # capital stock #; variable (all,t,alltime) b(t) # production intercept #; variable (all,t,alltime) c(t) # consumption #; variable (all,t,alltime) i(t) # investment #; !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! coefficient rho ; formula rho = 0.05 ; coefficient delta ; formula delta = 0.10 ; coefficient a ; formula a = 0.50 ; !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Base case ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! file (text) basedata ; read q from file basedata ; read k from file basedata ; read b from file basedata ; read c from file basedata ; read i from file basedata ; !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Time ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! file (text) time; coefficient (all,t,alltime) year(t); read year from file time; coefficient (all,t,fwdtime) h(t); formula (all,t,fwdtime) h(t) = year(t+1) - year(t); !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Equations holding in all periods ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! equation e1 (all,t,alltime) q(t) = k(t)^a - b(t) ; equation e2 (all,t,alltime) q(t) = c(t) + i(t) ; !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Dynamic equations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! equation capacc (all,t,fwdtime) k(t+1) = k(t) + h(t)*( i(t)-delta*k(t) ); equation euleqn (all,t,fwdtime) c(t+1) = c(t)*( 1 + h(t)*(a*k(t)^(a-1)-rho-delta) ); !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Boundary conditions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! equation b2 (all,t,endtime) i(t) = delta*k(t);