Courses Previously Offered > CAS 101 First Year Forum

Assignment 3

Due Thursday 9/22

Think about the places you've lived and figure out which one is your favorite. Then imagine that some event outside your control has sent you into exile: you've had to leave and expect never to return. Write a short (1-2 typed pages) story or essay describing to an outsider what life was like. Following the lead of Isabel Allende's book, your goal is to convey something about the spirit of the place, not to list a bunch of facts.

In addition: begin using the large "Time Use Study" sheets to keep track of your time starting at midnight on Sunday the 18th. We'll depart slightly from the instruction sheet handed out in class: (1) keep track of your time for one week rather than two weeks; and (2) the written analysis can be one page rather than two. The analysis will be due on Thursday the 29th.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 09/15/2005