Birkhoff, Garrett and Gian-Carlo Rota (1978), Ordinary Differential Equations, New York: John Wiley and Sons. A clear and compact treatment of differential equations and phase diagrams.
Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Stanley Fischer (1989), Lectures on Macroeconomics, Cambridge, MIT Press.
An excellent reference book to use when designing the macroeconomics aspects of models.
Dixon, Peter B., B.R. Parmenter, Alan A. Powell and Peter J.
Wilcoxen (1992), Notes and Problems in Applied General Equilibrium
Economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland. General equilibrium modeling as done by the Impact group in Australia.
Kamien, Morton I. and Nancy L. Schwartz (1991), Dynamic Optimization, North-Holland. Excellent treatment of the calculus of variations and optimal control applied to economic problems.
Press, W., B. Flannery, S. Teukolsky, and W. Vetterling, (1986), Numerical Recipes, New York:Cambridge University Press. The
definitive reference for numerical analysis. Clear descriptions of
algorithms; lots of example programs; good lists of references for more
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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 03/04/2005