Syracuse University
Spring 2025
General information that you may need at the beginning of the semester.
Email address: | wilcoxen at |
Office hours time: | Mon and Wed, 10:00-11:30 or by appointment |
Office hours location: |
Eggers 225 |
Most course materials, including instructions for assignments and the corresponding due dates, will be posted at the main URL below. In addition, GitHub will be used extensively for distributing and submitting computational assignments.
On Fridays there will be an optional lab session from 3:00 to 4:30 in Eggers 225b. The sessions are very informal and you're welcome to come and go at any time. It's a good time to stop by if you're running into problems with the assignments, especially if you're having trouble with your code.
This course focuses on developing two kinds of skills needed for advanced policy analysis: (1) economic modeling beyond that covered in Economics for Public Decisions; and (2) core computational techniques for building and analyzing complex datasets in a clear, reliable, and reproducible way. More detail is available from the Course Outline page.
Through this course you will: (1) learn how to construct and apply advanced models for economic analysis; (2) learn key principles and practices for carrying out robust, reliable, and reproducible computational analysis; (3) learn how to apply those practices in developing code for building, managing, visualizing, and analyzing large datasets, including those with a spatial component.
There are two formal prerequisites: PAI 721 Introduction to Statistics and PAI 723 Economics for Public Decisions. In addition, PAI 724 Data-Driven Decision Making would usually be taken before this course but is not strictly required.
In addition to software specifically related to data analytics, which will be discussed during class, you'll need three general purpose applications, two for your phone and one for your computer:
Strictly speaking, there's no required textbook. However, we'll use Python and Python's Pandas module extensively. If you haven't used Pandas a lot and don't want to spend more time than necessary on Google trying to figure it out, you may want to buy a copy of the book below.
If you're new, or relatively new, to Python, you might want to use one of the free web sites below. These are nice because they let you see what happens when you run example code.
A book that's decidedly not required, but that you might want to consider as part of your professional library, is the following:
The core of the class will be many short exercises: often more than one per class session. They will be a mix of pencil-and-paper analytical exercises and computational tasks.
Analytical Exercises: 20% of final grade.
These will be given out and collected via Google Classroom during class. Grading will be based almost entirely on effort: 9 points for an honest attempt or 10 points for a correct answer. However, if you don't try it, or don't submit a response, you'll get a 0. Analytical exercises will have a prefix "p" before their number because they're usually done on pencil and paper: p01, p02, etc.
Computational Exercises: 50% of final grade.
Several of these will be given out and collected via GitHub each week. They'll have a prefix "g" before their number to indicate the link to GitHub: g01, g02, etc. You'll often have some time during class to work on them but they will usually be due late on Friday evening to give you time to finish them outside of class, if necessary. Grading will be on a 10-point scale using the following rubric:
Exercise Attribute |
Points |
Honest Effort | no=0, yes=6 |
Correct Results |
low=0, partial=1, complete=2 |
Clarity and Documentation | low=0, partial=1, high=2 |
It's probably clear that the scale is set up to encourage trying each exercise: an honest attempt, even if it is muddled and incorrect, will end up with a 6, which is much better than a 0.
Working in groups on the exercises:
Working in groups on both kinds of exercise is encouraged, especially the in-class analytical assignments (p#).
For the computational exercises (g#), please limit the group to no more than three people and make a note of your collaborators in the comments at the start of the script.
However, for both kinds of exercises, you should turn in your own copy of the answer. On the computational side, in particular, that's to make sure everyone leaves the class with a complete set of example code.
Weight: 30% of the final grade. This will be a semester-long project on a topic of your own choosing. The assignment is to build a well-documented public GitHub repository that could be cloned by someone else and used to carry out an analysis of your design. The repository should contain at least the following components:
The file (any additional Markdown or PDF files if needed) should provide enough information that someone else could understand the purpose of the analysis and reproduce it from the underlying raw data. In particular, as a whole the documentation should: (1) concisely explain the purpose of the analysis; (2) include instructions on how to obtain the original input data, such as where it can be downloaded or it should provide a script to download the data via an API; (3) explain what each script does and the order in which they should be run; (4) explain any additional files provided in the repository; and (5) discuss the results.
The project will be graded on three criteria. Two are similar to those used for the exercises: correctness and clarity. Does it run without error and produce correct results? Is the code clear and the overall project well-documented? The third criterion can best be called technical merit. That's a catch-all term for whether the project does something particularly useful, challenging, interesting, or novel. Its purpose is probably clear: it's to encourage people to stretch themselves by ensuring that a challenging project can still receive a good grade even if it isn't as polished as it could be.
Finally, there will be a session at the end of the semester where you'll give a brief presention on your project to the class.
If you took PAI 724 Data Driven Decision Making in Fall 2023 or 2024 or have had extensive experience elsewhere and are very comfortable with Python, you may choose to be graded under what we'll call Plan B. Under it, you'll be exempt from about half of the computational exercises and their weight in the semester grade will be reduced to 20%. The weight on the individual project, in turn, will increase to 60%.
If you want to opt for Plan B, please let me know by email or Slack by the end of the second week of class.
As you'll learn very quickly if you don't know it already, working with large, complex data sets using sophisticated analytical tools is a highly collaborative activity. Learning when and how to look for help will be part of the course. With that said, it will be important in some circumstances to document the line between your work and that of others. Here are some guidelines:
AI tools may be used, especially for the individual project and for writing documentation. Using GitHub Copilot with Visual Studio Code is particularly useful and encouraged. That said, think of AI code and documentation as a first draft and check it carefully to be sure it's correct in your context.
You may also find AI tools useful for the weekly computational assignments, but there please limit your use to: (1) having them remind you about syntax and function arguments, or (2) having them help you with documentation. Please do not change variable names or the overall structure of the scripts: if you do, your results may not match the expected output. Also, it will be harder to pinpoint problems if your script isn't running correctly.
As a pre-eminent and inclusive student-focused research institution, Syracuse University considers academic integrity at the forefront of learning, serving as a core value and guiding pillar of education. Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity Policy provides students with the necessary guidelines to complete academic work with integrity throughout their studies. Students are required to uphold both course-specific and university-wide academic integrity expectations such as crediting your sources, doing your own work, communicating honestly, and supporting academic integrity. The full Syracuse University Academic Integrity Policy can be found by visiting class.syr/edu, selecting, “Academic Integrity,” and “Expectations and Policy.”
Upholding Academic Integrity includes the protection of faculty’s intellectual property. Students should not upload, distribute, or share instructors’ course materials, including presentations, assignments, exams, or other evaluative materials without permission. Using websites that charge fees or require uploading of course material (e.g., Chegg, Course Hero) to obtain exam solutions or assignments completed by others, which are then presented as your own violates academic integrity expectations in this course and may be classified as a Level 3 violation. All academic integrity expectations that apply to in-person assignments, quizzes, and exams also apply online.
Students found in violation of the policy are subject to grade sanctions determined by the course instructor and non-grade sanctions determined by the School or College where the course is offered. Students may not drop or withdraw from courses in which they face a suspected violation. Any established violation in this course may result in course failure regardless of violation level.
Based on the specific learning outcomes and assignments in this course, artificial intelligence is permitted on assignments as described in the section on "Using AI Tools". Any AI use beyond that which is described in that section is explicitly prohibited except when documented permission is granted.
The official University statement includes this commitment: "In our quest to become a campus community that embodies Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) and to live as an expression of belonging, becoming and bestowing, Syracuse University rejects and rebukes all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious harassment and hostility, classism and all other forms of discrimination, othering, hate and non-accessibility in all its myriad expressions." This is personally important to me as well. If you ever feel discriminated against or unsupported because of your identity, please let me or someone else in the department know, or contact one of the resources on this page.
Syracuse University values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation. There may be aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion and full participation in this course. I invite any student to contact me to discuss strategies and/or accommodations (academic adjustments) that may be essential to your success and to collaborate with the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) in this process.
If you would like to discuss disability-accommodations or register with CDR, please visit Center for Disability Resources. Please call (315) 443-4498 or email for more detailed information. The CDR is responsible for coordinating disability-related academic accommodations and will work with the student to develop an access plan. Since academic accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact CDR as soon as possible to begin this process.
The University does not discriminate and prohibits harassment or discrimination related to any protected category including creed, ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, gender, pregnancy, disability, marital status, age, race, color, veteran status, military status, religion, sexual orientation, domestic violence status, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender.
Any complaint of discrimination or harassment related to any of these protected bases should be reported to Sheila Johnson-Willis, the University’s Chief Equal Opportunity & Title IX Officer. She is responsible for coordinating compliance efforts under various laws including Titles VI, VII, IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. She can be contacted at Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services, 005 Steele Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1120; by email:; or by telephone: 315-443-0211.
SU religious observances notification and policy, found at the URL below, recognizes the diversity of faiths represented among the campus community and protects the rights of students, faculty, and staff to observe religious holidays according to their tradition. Under the policy, students are provided an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that may be missed due to a religious observance provided they notify their instructors before the end of the second week of classes for regular session classes and by the submission deadline for flexibly formatted classes. If you prefer, however, you can notify me directly by email. In either case, just check with me and we'll work out an arrangement that fits your schedule. More information is available