Peter J Wilcoxen > Online Tips and Tools

Places in Maxwell for Attending Classes Remotely

If you're switching between in-person and online classes during the day you might (ironically!) need a place in Maxwell where you can attend a class online. The locations below have been set up for that.

Eggers 232 and 229: Grad Bays

These study rooms can accommodate up to 7 people at a time combined, between the weekday hours of 8:30 and 5:00. You will need to sign out a space by checking in at the PAIA Main office (215 Eggers).

Eggers 234: Academic Village (AV)

This lounge area is designated for grad students only. There are 2 separate areas: one that can accommodate 27 students one that accommodates 16.

Eggers 220: Strasser Legacy Room (SLR)

This room has been modified for individual student quiet work spaces. It has 19 desks and 7 of them have computers. Sign up is based on first-come, first-served.

Eggers Second Floor Commons

Lounge area with spaced chairs.

Eggers 034 Computer Lab

Available for use.

Maxwell 204

Open on 2nd floor of Maxwell. Will sometimes be used by classes.

Eggers Café

Open on the 3rd floor of Eggers. Open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Tables are available in the café for indoor dining.

Department and Center Conference Rooms

Contact department or center administrators for access.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 09/04/2020