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Computing Eigenvalues Using Software Packages

Here are a few examples showing how eigenvalues are computed in various software packages. Most packages will also return the eigenvectors, if requested.

Using Ox:


	decl a,eigs;
	a = <1, 2; 3, 4>;

	// Compute the eigenvalues and store them in eigs.  The & is
	// needed so that Ox can use eigs to return the eigenvalues.

	eigen( a, &eigs );
	print( eigs );

Using Gauss:

let x[2,2] = {1 2,3 4}; 

Using Maple:

#  This line activates the linear algebra package.  It produces two
#  messages about norm and trace being redefined, which is OK.


#  Create a matrix

a:=matrix( [ [1,2],[3,4] ] );

#  Calculate its eigenvalues


#  Exit from maple


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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 06/04/2004