Optimal control and dynamic programming; current and constant value Hamiltonian; first order conditions and transversality
conditions; fixed vs free state problems; fixed vs free time problems; infinite horizon problems; stochastic problems
and dynamic programming.
Single and multiple rotation forest management; managing a forest producing amenities; allocating surface water
between uses and across time; optimal use of aquifers; real world impediments to efficiency; good and bad policies
for improving market outcomes.
Discounting, scarcity and sustainability; the ethical basis for present value calculations; appropriate choice of interest rates; is resource scarcity a problem? How should scarcity be measured?
The role of energy in the economy; past and future oil price shocks; short and long term energy demand; climate
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URL: https://cleanenergyfutures.insightworks.com/pages/3443.html
Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 09/09/2011