The Maxwell School
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
The Effects of Oil Price Shocks
Berndt, Ernst R. and David O. Wood (1975), "Technology, Prices and the Derived Demand for Energy," Review of Economics and Statistics, 57(3): 259-68. | |
Gately, Dermot (1984), "A Ten-Year Retrospective: OPEC and the World Oil Market," Journal of Economic Literature, 22, 1100-14. | |
Jorgenson, Dale W. and Peter J. Wilcoxen (1991), "Global Change, Energy Prices and U.S. Economic Growth," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 3(1), pp. 135-154. (A general equilibrium study finding that oil prices accounted for only about 1/6 of the slow down in U.S. growth in the 1970's and 1980's.) | |
Mork, Knut Anton and Robert E. Hall (1980), "Energy Prices and the US Economy in 1979-1981," Energy Journal, 1(2): 41-53. | |
Energy Conservation
Lovins, Amory B., Ralph C. Cavanagh, Roger W. Sant, Dennis W. Bakke and Roger F. Naill (1984), Creating Abundance: America's Least Cost Energy Strategy, New York: McGraw Hill. (Lovins is a leading advocate of the view that investing in better energy technology, such as high-efficiency motors and light bulbs, would be profitable because the savings in energy costs exceed the cost of the technology.) | |
Costello, Kenneth W. (1987), "Ten Myths of Energy Conservation," Public Utilities Fortnightly, March 19, 1987. | |
Jaffee, Adam B. and Robert N. Stavins (1991), "The Energy Paradox and the Diffusion of Conservation Technology," mimeo, December. |