Many of these are early drafts of papers that were subsequently published. They are posted here for convenience but please bear in mind that the published versions usually include editorial improvements and other corrections.
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Examines the effect of border tax adjustments, or "green tariffs", that have been proposed as a mechanism for addressing international variations in climate policies.
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Argues that long term climate policies must be realistic about the powers and incentives of national governments in order to provide credible incentives to household and firms.
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Explores the implications of scientific uncertainty and distributional issues for international climate change policy.
A short theoretical note discussing the relative magnitudes of efficiency gains versus transfer payments for an international permit trading system such as that proposed in the Kyoto protocol.
Sugandha D. Tuladhar and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Examines the double dividend hypothesis using a general equilibrium model and includes confidence intervals for results.
Warwick J. McKibbin, Martin T. Ross, Robert Shackleton, and Peter J. Wilcoxen. An examination of the effects of the Kyoto climate change protocol on the world economy.
Warwick J. McKibbin, Robert Shackleton and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Examines the cost of returning OECD carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels and calculates the gains from trade that could be achieved by allowing international trading in carbon emissions permits. This paper focuses on measuring gains from trade and is NOT an evaluation of the Kyoto Protocol (see kyoto22.pdf).
1997-11: Environmental Policy, Capital Flows and International Trade
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Examinines the effect of environmental policies such as a carbon tax on international trade.
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Presents a critique of international permit trading as a method for controlling global carbon dioxide emissions. Proposes an alternative system of national permits and fees.
Dale W. Jorgenson and Peter J. Wilcoxen. Prepared for the Joint Committee on Taxation of the U.S. Congress. Examines the effects of switching the U.S. income tax system to a flat tax or a unified income tax. (The latter amounts to removing the double taxation of dividends.)
A nuts and bolts discussion of the key issues that arise in the development of intertemporal general equilibrium models. Note that the file does NOT include figures.
Contains discussions of (1) Broyden's method for updating a Jacobian matrix during a Newton's method iteration; (2) an enhanced version of the Fair/Taylor method for solving rational expectations models; and (3) the Kuroda/Bachrach method for balancing bi-proportional matricies. This file contains Appendix E of my 1988 PhD thesis and does not contain any computer code. (Code for Kuroda's method and the extended Fair/Taylor algorithm are available separately). thesis_e.pdf
You are welcome to copy and use the following software subject to the two golden rules of Internet software distribution: (1) you may not claim you wrote it, and (2) as a legal matter, I don't guarantee the code will work. The first rule means, among other things, that you may not cut a chunk out of this code and use it in your own program without attribution. If you run into any problems, please send me an email.
A subroutine library and standalone program implementing an extended version of the Kuroda/Bacharach method for balancing bi-proportional matrices.
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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 07/17/2008